Thursday, January 30, 2014

5 Ways To Have A Great Morning

Do you have rough mornings? I do. A LOT. But, I've found some ways to make it easier. I am not a lifestyle expert, I just would like to share with you how I make my mornings easier to handle!

1. The night before: Plan your outfit, pack your lunch, and make sure you have everything you need in one place. Doing these things the night before helps your morning go a lot smoother. 

2. Shower: When your body is clean, you just feel better! Try it and you will see. Also, brush your teeth after breakfast.

3. Play music: Turn on your favorite music! Music can help you wake up and get you in a great mood.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast: I know, this is so cliche! But it's cliche because it works! Breakfast wakes you up, and you can think clearer throughout the day.

5. Smile: When you are ready for the day, put on the best accessory. A smile! Even if you don't feel like smiling, it will make you feel fantastic. AND when other people see you smile, it brightens their day!

I know these tips work for me. Do you do anything in the morning that puts you in a good mood? I would love some more tips!

Peace & Sunshine,

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