Friday, January 17, 2014

How To Heal After Betrayal

 Have you ever been betrayed by someone you put your trust in? How do you handle it? Do your actions make your hurt worse? Or better?

I am not a psychologist, or an expert on coping with negative situations, but, I have had A LOT of experience with betrayal. The last time it happened, I noticed I have "perfected the art of healing". I hope these tips work for you as well as they work for me!

1. React- The situation hurts! When you are alone, react out your hurt! Whether you cry, yell, or punch a pillow, LET IT OUT! Do this when you are alone and away from the situation.

2. Take the garbage out- After you have reacted, "cleanse" your life of the person that betrayed you. They are now toxic to your life. Would you willingly climb into a full trash can of dog poo and gross baby diapers? Unfollow them on social media outlets, throw away pictures and basically "delete" them from your life.

3. Immerse- Have you been wanting to organize your closet? Start a new book? DO IT! Immerse yourself in something you love, or a project that you want to do. This will focus your energy on something positive and get your mind off the situation.

4. Forgive- This is the most important step. Forgiveness is something you feel inside your heart. It's not words you say, or a phrase you tell yourself. The best thing to do is to forgive and forget. It's not healthy to hold onto negative feelings.

Everyone is different. This process may take a few days or a few months! However long it takes though, remember, you are perfect and beautiful. You are the star of your life! Make it a great story!

 Peace & Sunshine,

Photo Information 
Model: Megan D.
Photographer: unknown
Editing.. done by me :) 

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