Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How To Deep Condition Your Hair With Coconut Oil

Last night, I ran my hand through my hair and it crackled. Yes, crackled! It was full of static! Once I thought about it, I realized I have not deep conditioned my hair in months. Out came the coconut oil. There are a couple different ways to deep condition with coconut oil. This is how I do it. Ready?

Before you start, put on an old shirt. Also, your hair needs to be dry.

1. Brush your hair out with a wide tooth comb.

2. Melt about 2 cups of coconut oil. Make sure its not super hot!

3. Standing in your bathtub or with your head over a sink, flip your hair upside down. Dip the ends of your hair into the coconut oil.

4. Little by little, slowly pour the coconut oil through your hair. Run your fingers through your hair to distribute it.

5. Keep pouring the oil until your hair is saturated.

Confession: The first time I did this, I did not saturate my hair. I didn't put much oil in and I was disappointed with the results. You HAVE to saturate your hair!

6. Clip your hair on top of your head. Put on a shower cap or, like me, wrap your head in plastic wrap.
Please enjoy this photo of my hair in plastic wrap.
7. Turn your blow dryer on low and blow dry your head for about 15 minutes.
Another embarrassing picture for your viewing pleasure.

8. Leave the coconut oil in your hair for 45 more minutes. Shampoo out until all the coconut oil is gone. It takes me 2 shampoos to get it all out.

Now enjoy your soft, shiny, non-staticky(sp?) hair! 

I love moisturizing with coconut oil. It's natural, which is always good, and it smells good!

How often do you deep condition your hair? What do you use?

Peace & Sunshine,

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