Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Liebster Award

I was nominated by Alice of Bambi Features to do the Liebster Award! Thanks Alice! Be sure to click on her name to check out her awesome website.

What is the Liebster Award? 
You have to answer 11 questions that are given to you. Then you make up a whole new set of 11 questions and nominate 11 people to answer those questions! 11 is the magic number.

The spacing and formatting on this is messed up, I've tried fixing it multiple times, but it won't change... I realize it makes it harder to read, so I'm sorry for any inconvenience.


1. What is your favorite brand of makeup?
Maybelline! It's affordable and I always LOVE their stuff!

2. What is your favorite movie?
What a difficult choice! I don't have an all time favorite, but for now I am loving Sucker Punch. Girl Power!

3. Where is your favorite place to shop?

Thrift stores!

4. If you like to read what is your favorite book?
Another hard question, especially since I am a reader! I would say Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is an all time favorite of mine.
5. What is your favorite vacation you have ever taken?
 I'm going to get cheesy and romantic... My honeymoon is my favorite vacation. We went to stay in the treehouses in Eureka Springs, Arkansas and it was beautiful.
6. Do you have any pets? If so what are they?
 I have 3 pets, 2 that live with me, and 1 in heaven! Lulu is a dark brown chihuahua, and she is in doggie heaven now. Sammie is a white chihuahua, and Marley is my handsome 1/2 pit bull 1/2 great dane big baby boy.
7. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?
 Stars Hollow ;)
8. What is your favourite thing to do in your free time?
Veg out in front of the t.v. watching girly shows and/or movies. With a glass of wine and some chocolate! hee hee :)
9. What is your favorite season?
Summer! Around here it gets really hot, and I like it! I'm one of the few, though.
10. What is your favorite song at the moment?
"The Good Good" by Snoop Lion
11. Why did you start blogging?
I originally started blogging to share beauty tips and tricks! But somewhere along the way, I found my passion is cooking. I got really excited when I would create a new dish, or a recipe turned out amazing. I feel food brings people together, and I love sharing awesome recipes with the world! I do still occasionally write about beauty stuff though. :)

That's all the questions! Below I have listed the 11 I nominate and the questions I want them to answer, click on their name to view their websites. You never know what gems you will find!


1. What is one snack food you cannot resist?
2. Do you have any siblings? If so, are they older or younger than you?

3. What is your favorite quote?

4. What is one of your favorite blog posts you've written? (link it up!)

5. What is advice you would give someone having a bad day?

6. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

7. Do you have any pets? What are they?

8. What is your idea of a perfect Saturday night?

9. If you were automatically given one skill, what would it be?

10. When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up?

11. Would you ever consider plastic surgery?

I am looking forward to seeing your answers!

Peace & Sunshine,


  1. LOVE THIS <3 thank you so so much for nominating me :DDDD

  2. Thanks so much for nominating me :) I'll get around to doing it soon! :)


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