Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How To Recover After Binge Eating

The other day, I spotted tortilla chips in my pantry. I had some salsa in my refrigerator. So I sat down in front of the t.v. with those chips and salsa and went at it. Those chips didn't know what hit them!

A half a bag, and loads of guilt later, I immediately regretted all the salt and fat I consumed. My depression motivated me to put a recovery list together for my future self and for you!

How To Recover After A Binge

1. Let it go- You did it. You can't take it back. It was a mistake and you are human. Mistakes happen. Now it's time to move on.

2. Bounce back- This binge was one tiny blip in your healthy eating choices. Continue, like normal, with your healthy choices. There's no reason not to continue.

3. Drink water- Drink more than normal. Water is the ultimate flush. Just chug it until you can't chug it anymore. Then drink some more.

There are so many more ways to recover after binge eating, but I wanted to keep my list short and sweet. What tip would you add to this list?

Peace & Sunshine,


  1. Good tips I will try them !

    -auré xoxo

  2. Haha you look so cute in the pic, like you were caught but it was too late to hide the evidence ;) Drinking water is a great idea, that's what I always do when I eat a lot of junk.... it will dilute it LOL xo

    1. Lol that was the look I was going for! Hahaha :)


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